Safety and Health

“General well-being of our employees remains our top priority”

Safety & Health at Bitumen Resources 

At Bitumen Resources , the health, safety and general well-being of our employees remains our top priority. Our staff members are our most valuable asset. They are the motivation behind our success and the lifeblood of the company. We recognise the need for all employees to be aware of the hazards that are involved in the work they perform and to respect their right to work in a safe and healthy environment. The company has enforced a strict Safety, Health and Environment Policy which is an integral part of all our business activities.
The principal goal of Bitumen Resources , Health and Environment Policy is to prevent personal injury, property damage while simultaneously promoting health, safety and well-being of all employees in the workplace. To achieve this we have set out a series of specific objectives in order to maintain a superior standard of health and safety throughout the company. These objectives are as follows:

♦ To conduct regular audits of the workplace to identify potential problem areas and their subsequent prevention plans. 
♦ To ensure hazard identification is done on a daily basis work procedures are changed in response to any hazardous conditions
♦ To review new plant, equipment and substances prior to their purchase, installation and commission to ensure that all necessary safety standards are met .
♦ To analyse past accidents to prevent re-occurrence .
♦ To gain experience from other industry accidents outside of Bitumen Resources and the action taken to prevent similar re-occurrences
♦ To develop safe working procedures that combine correct trade and technical practices with adequate training procedures
♦ To establish goals for optimal safety performance
♦ To communicate these goals to all concerned
♦ To ensure all safety protocol is followed correctly
♦ To educate all on the legal requirements relevant to each particular industry processes and locations